Cloudera named a market leader in 2023 GigaOm Radar Report for Data Lakes & Lakehouses Get the report
The Big Picture webinar series explores how industries define their strategies for understanding their consumers better using data. From issuing better healthcare to smarter product and services recommendations, data is the fueling foundation for success. Cloudera is a modern platform that gives analytic access to users that need to understand their customers across multiple touch points and multiple enterprise systems. Cloudera not only unlocks the promise of true customer 360 but it also leverages advanced capabilities for data science and machine learning. In this webinar, we take a look at how data scientists can leverage Cloudera to identify and predict a common customer loyalty use case in telecommunications. We will explore the data, design our features, and then leverage Apache Spark to help us make some predictions on the accuracy of our finding. All within a secure and collaborative environments utilizing the Cloudera Data Science Workbench.

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